Honey Buns, Hexes, and Hanging Page 6
“No luck, what’s wrong? You look like you to swallow the bug.”
“I wish that was all that happened.”
“Stop being mysterious and tell me what’s going on.”
“The suspense is really killing me. Just tell me what’s up.”
“Well, it seems that Sally’s information pans out.” Really? Scratch that
“Really?” Anita asked with her eyes growing wide. “Bakery Mafia?”
“That’s not the worst of it,” I said with a sigh.
“What could be worse than the bakery Mafia?”
“We’ve already met one of the members.”
“That’s impossible!”
“Don’t worry. It’s not Sally.”
“If it’s not Sally then who is it?”
“If you would let me finish a complete thought you would already know. It’s Marcus.”
“Mark is,” Anita said in almost a shout.”
“Keep your voice down. I don’t want Sally to know. She feels bad enough about it already. I just wanted you to know in case he comes by here.”
“But how do you know for sure?” Anita asked. Then she leaned her head in closer, “Is it a witch things.”
I rolled my eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her.
“No Anita it is in the which thing. I just did my research. I showed her the information that I had found on Marcus’s application.
“This doesn’t seem like very damning evidence.”
“Well, that makes more sense when someone we haven’t even met before. Anyway, the find out if it’s really him.
“And how you do that?”
“I’m going to pay Marcus a visit.”
“Possibly the dumbest thing you ever done.
“You forget about when I saved you from a killer. That was probably the dumbest thing I’ve ever done. But don’t worry about going alone.”
“Are you calling the chief for backup?”
“Of course not. I’m taking Angelo.”
Chapter 10
I had to figure out the best way to get Marcus to tell me the truth. He seemed like a straightforward guy, but I didn’t know how long that will last on-site use them for murder. It occurred to me that he had broken my wards. I did a quick energy scan, and they all seem to be in place. The only thing I could think of was that when he and come in for the interview hadn’t come to harm or be malicious. He really just come to bake a cake. Hope my magic was slipping, if so I might need Anita more than I realized.
I considered inviting Marcus the shop, but I didn’t know what he was capable of, and I didn’t want to put the girls, or my customers, at risk. I pulled his application out again and looked at the address. Something about it seemed familiar. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. When I looked it up, I saw that it wasn’t a house at all. It was a small bar at the edge of town, called Dionysus.
I hadn’t been to a bar in temperance yet. I’ve been too wrapped up in the bakery. And I had never been to a Greek bar, so I was excited. I know it was a silly thing to get excited about, but I had to take my thrills I would get them because it was a bar, they probably wouldn’t let Angelo inside. I was in the tell him that though. I would such a time up outside we got there. I took a quick look in the mirror and possibly curly hair and ran some lipstick across my lips. Slight improvement but I wasn’t sure what the crowd would be like. A girl can never be too careful with her.
You got Angelo already to go and walked to the bakery. I could feel Anita’s eyes on me when I turned back there her she was glaring at me with the type her lips clenched her lips firmly pressed together not saying a word. It was clear that she didn’t approve, but I doubted she approved of people killing off our applicants either. Honestly, who would want to apply here ever again if people running around killing off anyone wanted job with us? I was worried about Sally. When she found out the truth, she might not want to keep the job. She just had my fingers crossed that she would stick it out. I couldn’t bear to go through interview process again. As Angelo and I walked closer to the area of town with a bar was, I noticed the architecture start to change. There seemed to be more columns in front of the houses. And more the façades of the houses were white. And the landscaping was meticulously maintained.
The bar was no exception. It’s really a beautiful building. I didn’t feel any bad energy coming off of the building. It didn’t give me the same the same feeling that the library in town did either. Was clearly an old building but it made me feel relaxed. Relaxation is good energy to have at a bar. Just as I was about to explain to Angelo that he would have to wait outside at her the quick chirp of a police siren been turned on and off behind me. I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. Once again chief Rowan was raining on my parade. I turned around and stomped over his car. I turned around and stomped over to his cruiser.
“What is it now? Was a jaywalking?” I said. I didn’t bother to hide the irritation of my voice
“can a man just say hello?”
“A man yes the chief of police net.”
“You see more perturbed by me than usual today something going on.?”
“I had to think fast. I didn’t want him coming in there with me.
“If you must know, I have a date.”
“A date? With who?” I never saw a man look so surprised my life. If he had been driving his car, I’m sure he would’ve crashed.
“You say that as though it would be strange for me to have a date.”
“Oh, I don’t think it strange you to have a date at all. A woman like you should be dating. I just find it hard to believe you have time to date, open a new business, and deal with the murder on the loose.”
A woman like me. Without the new wrinkle. I wonder what he meant by that. I didn’t have time to go back and forth with him. I wanted to get this case wrapped up.
“I’m not dealing with the murderer. You told me to leave that to the police.”
“Since when do you ever listen to me. If the last murder I investigated is any indication, you’re already knee-deep in this thing.”
“I don’t know what you mean. I do know that if my date sees me out here arguing with a cop, you will scare away. So can you make yourself scarce?”
“I turned and headed for the door without waiting for his response.
“Fine but I won’t be far away if you need me,” the chief called after me.
I couldn’t very well stand outside and argue with Angelo about being tied to post with the chief watching me. So I hurriedly tied into the telephone phone pole outside and headed into the bar. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust from the afternoon sun. Once they did, I saw that it was a fairly small bar with wood-paneled walls and wood tables and chairs. The same went for the stools. If this had been a movie, all the record would’ve screeched to a halt. But it wasn’t there is only a jukebox playing in the corner. That didn’t stop everyone from turning to stare in my direction. First I didn’t see what the big deal was. Then I realized that I was the only woman in the whole place. Had I been about 50 years older, this would’ve been a great spot for me. But I wasn’t. I had never seen so many old men in one place at the same time. I walked up to the barn tried to casually await the bartender. Casual wasn’t really my style, so he came right over to me.
“Are you in the right place?”
“I hope so. I’m looking for someone. His name is Marcus.”
“Look its nothing bad. He interviewed at my bakery not too long ago. I thought we might have had a connection,” I said.
I fluffed my curls in what I hoped looked like a flirty move. I’m no good at flirting so who knows.
“Really? A connection… with Marcus?” the bartender asked, his eyebrows rising.
“I know it’s really unprofessional. The way to my heart is truly through my stomach I guess,” I said with a giggle.
The bartender actually blushed. Maybe I was better at all of this than I thought. I might as well kic
k things up a notch. I gave him my most dazzling smile and fluttered my eyelashes.
“I’m not one to stand in the way of love,” he said. “Why don’t you have a seat. I’ll see if I can track him down.”
I reached across the bar and squeezed the bartenders hand. He turned an even deeper shade of red. That can’t possibly be good for him. I found a small empty table in the back corner. It seemed fitting to meet a murderer in the back corner of a small bar. I just hoped things didn’t get ugly. I would hate to be the reason that any of these old men got hurt.
While the bartender was making phone calls, I took another look around the room. I was getting more appreciative looks than I expected. If Marcus didn’t hurry, one of these guys might try to make a love connection of their own. I did my best not to make direct eye contact.
The bartender came over with a pitcher of water and a glass. He set them both in front of me.
“I wasn’t sure what you would like to drink Miss…”
“You can call me Nova.”
“Nova, like a star? That is perfect for a woman like you,” he said, filling my glass.
“Yeah, thanks. Were you able to find Marcus?”
“Yes. He is on the way. In the meantime, I can keep you company to keep some of the less savory types away from you.”
Well, this plan was backfiring quickly. I couldn’t see any way out of this. I might as well make the best of it.
“Sure, I’m glad for the company. This is a great place.”
“Thanks. We’ve been here for years. We don’t get a lot of women in here, because it’s where their husbands are,” he said with a chuckle.
I didn’t even have to fake a laugh for that one.
“How do long have you known Marcus?”
“Not long. I have an in-law apartment for anyone who comes in from back home. He’s a nice boy, but a bit different. I thought he was a baker, but it seems that he just stits in the apartment. Not getting hired by you must have been hard on him. After meeting you I can see why.”
Marcus was taking too long. I could only casually try not to choke on my water for so long.
“That is so generous of you. Do you live far from here?”
“Not at all. I have a beautiful place around the corner. You can’t miss it. I have a beautiful fountain in front. Maybe I could show you sometime.”
Why hadn’t the chief crashed through the door yet? Marcus clearly wasn’t going to show. My womanly wiles only worked on men over seventy.
“That sounds lovely. It doesn’t look like Marcus is going to show. I would love to continue this conversation, but I have my dog tied up outside.”
“Well, Marcus is a fool for not coming to see such a beautiful woman.Before you go, let me give you a little snack for your pooch. I love animals.”
“Sure that is you sweet thanks.”
I followed the bartender to the bar.
He reached behind the bar and gave me some dog treats.
“Here you go. I never properly introduced myself. I’m Nico. I would love to see you again.”
I was surprised to find myself blushing.
“Well anytime that you want to stop by the Bewitching Bakery, the pastry is on me.”
“I will have to take you up on that,” Nico said with a wink.
I smiled and went out to appease my tiny beast with treats. Angelo was very upset, but he ate the treats anyway. He might need his strength if we were going to surprise Marcus at home. As long as the chief didn’t pop up, things should go fine.
Chapter 11
Angelo and I walked around the block looking for a house with a fountain. I also kept an eye out for Chief Rowan. There was no sign of him. Thank goodness. Nico’s house was not hard to find. It was the only house on the block that had a fountain, and it was a doozy. In the center of the fountain was a statue of a woman pouring water into the base of a fountain. It was actually quite lovely.
There was a large main house and off to the side was a smaller building that looked like a house with an attached garage. That must be where Marcus was holed up. Angelo was getting antsy, and tugging at his leash. I couldn’t take the risk of him barking, so I let him off the leash. I looped his leash around my purse handle and headed for the door to the house. Angelo took off running. I trusted him not to stray too far.
I headed for the door to the apartment and was shocked to find it unlocked. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I paused before stepping inside, unsure of what I would find. I shouldn’t have wasted my time. The room was completely empty.
It was a nice enough place. It looked like a studio apartment with a small kitchen. But, there was not one piece of furniture or personal effect in the whole place. I checked the cabinets and the fridge, and it was like no one had ever been here. If it hadn’t been so spotless, I would have thought that Nico lied to me.
There wasn’t anything to see here, so I headed back out to the fountain. I was at a dead end, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I called for Angelo and sat on the edge of the fountain. There was no sense in being quiet if no one was here. The dog didn’t come right away. I stood up and took a coin from my purse. I held it my mouth and whispered a wish and threw it into the fountain.
Before I could turn back around, I felt something close over my neck. I was pulled back sharply. I gasped for breath and clawed at the material around my neck. It felt familiar. I forced myself to focus and reached towards my purse. Angelo’s leash was missing. I was being strangled by my own dog’s leash. What a tragedy.
My assailant pulled me back against his chest.
“Didn’t I tell you to leave it alone. I liked you, Nova. I never wanted to hurt you. I just had to do my job. Why couldn’t you stay out of it?”
I tried to reply to Marcus, but the leash around my throat was too tight. All that came out were ragged breaths.
“That’s all you have to say for yourself? Now, I have to go pay Nico a visit when I’m done with you and your dog. I can’t have the police finding out what I’m up to.”
At the mention of my pet, I got very still. No one hurts Angelo. There was only one thing I could do in this situation. With my right hand, I made the sign of the horns and shoved it over my shoulder towards his face. I might not be able to speak, but I envisioned a black cloud of confusion coming out of my index and pinky fingers and clouding his mind. I didn’t have much time to put a hex on him. Spots were starting to float before my eyes. I wasn’t sure how much air I had until I passed out.
Marcus let out a strange gurgling sound. I felt the leash go slack around my neck. As I dropped to my knees, gasping for air, I heard Marcus stumbling. He tripped right over me and landed straight in the fountain. I heard barking in the distance. Angelo came tearing around the corner. Covered in dirt, the dog barely looked in my direction before running straight to Marcus. He grabbed on to his pant leg and pulled and shook with all his might. Angelo dragged out Marcus out of the fountain and stood on his chest growling.
That brave little dog had probably saved Marcus from drowning, but now he looked like he might chew his face off. I couldn’t say I blamed him.
“Good boy. Sit,” I managed to say with a hoarse voice.
Angelo sat right one the spot, but he didn’t stop growling. I heard thundering footsteps behind me and turned to the chief running towards us with officers in his wake. They all had their guns drawn, but he let his gun hand fall to his side when he saw that Angelo had everything under control. He didn’t look very pleased to see me.
Later that night, at the closed Bewitching Bakery. I was filling Anita and Sally in on all of the details. My hex had worked a little too well. Marcus was so confused that he began speaking to Chief Rowan in Greek. We would have never gotten anywhere if Nico hadn’t chosen that exact moment to show up. He was so distraught that he had been harboring a killer, that he offered to translate and help us in any way that he could.
Via his new interpreter, Marcus gave a full confession
. He seemed to think that he was giving a status report to his superiors in Tin Elít Psísimo. They hadn’t sent him here to kill anyone. Marcus was just supposed to stop Leo from getting away with passing off their recipes as his own. They bakery mafia really didn’t like him coming between Sally and her job either. It seemed that they wanted her to join, but were keeping an eye on her.
Marcus also admitted to breaking the window in my shop. He said that he wasn’t sure why he couldn’t get inside, but he was just trying to steal his application back. It looks like my wards were strong enough after all.
I expected my nerves to be on edge, but the spiked coffee and honey buns that Sally had made set me right at ease. Sally was afraid that I would fire her, but as far I could tell, she was just as clueless as the rest of us. I wasn’t in a rush to hire anyone ever again. As long as people stopped dying, I could keep the bakery open and enjoy my dessert in peace.
Author Introduction – Naomi Muse
Naomi Muse sees the world through magically tinted glasses. You may know them as shades, she just likes to look fancy. She seeks magic in everyday situations, which is why she writes urban fantasy and science fiction. Naomi believes people can overcome anything, including monsters and aliens.
If you want to get in contact with her (she’s friendly I promise) you can find her in the following places:
Her Website
Witchy Bakery
Cupcakes, Cauldrons, and Cadavers
Honey Buns, Hexes and Hanging
Hell and Earth
Hell with Dick and Jane
Topside with Dick and Jane
Reign with Dick and Jane
Hell and Earth: 1-3 Boxed Set
Tales from Hell & Earth
Defective Demon
Dick the Demon
Daddy’s Girl
Coven Lovin
Half Sight
The Goblin and the Grocer (Dani and the Goblin)